I want us to tell our stories.

I bet you have a story in your soul. Maybe it’s a story you don’t like or one that causes pain. I don’t even know your story yet, but I’d bet it’s a beautiful testimony in the making. Somewhere in the history of America, we got sold the lie that we needed to suffer in secret isolation, keeping our burdens to ourselves. And in that secret, dark place is where lies were able to grow out of control and convince us that we are broken and unlovable.

So…my story has brought me to writing this and you to reading it!

Who am I?

I am Dr. Sarah Hill. I am a Licensed Clinical Psychologist (CA PSY33546). I graduated from Fuller Graduate School of Psychology, Fuller Theological Seminary with a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology.

What do I do?

I am a psychological consultant, speaker, professor, and writer. I am usually hired to connect with organizations (like churches, community groups, etc.) to discover what they need and how I might help. I create specialized workshops tailored to the needs of the organization with the ongoing input from key people involved. I am also invited to speak at trainings, workshops, conferences, churches, parent groups, and more!

I’d love the opportunity to hear more about you and your organization. Perhaps it’s time our stories intersected…